Sunday, January 1, 2012

Y2K12 Resolution

Hey awesome people! Today is the beginning of a new year! 
I didn't do much today except help my mom cook new year food, but apparently people in my neighborhood were going all out.  I could hear fireworks that sounded like thunder.  I went out to see them, but there was a super thick fog which made me wonder if the people shooting their fireworks could even see them.  I bet they just looked like a glow in the sky.  I mean I didn't see any fireworks let anything beyond 30 feet ahead of me. 

 SHO today is the day everyone declares their "new year resolutions."  Things like, "lose 15 pounds," or "Stop spending all my money on drugs." Lol well that's all BS.  "Resolutions" is just a euphony for "empty promises."  I mean, 99% of people don't even follow through with their resolutions! JK i made that up, but I'm probably not too far off.  What I mean is that there are the rare few who requite their resolutions, but definitely the majority of people don't.  The 1% who pull through and reach their goals are praiseworthy and like deserve an award.  Good job, your amazing.  Those who still remember their resolutions at the end of the year, well props to you too b/c its not as bad as completely forgetting what you promised yourself.  I, for one, don't remember mine at all so I get an F.  However, knowing myself, my resolution was probably along the lines of, "Get all As in school" or "Stop being nocturnal".  Yeahhhh none of that happened. HEE HEE.

Kay so I decided that I shall record mine on this blog so I won't forget.
I actually haven't thought of any resolutions yet even as I write this post, but here are some I've just thought of:

Get straight As
Find a part time job
Triple the SparkleyEye's monthly blog views
Beautify the SparkleyEyes blog

The first three are pretty basic, and the last two are just my hopes of having followers, readers and comments on this blog.  This blog is my baby and I want it to grow into the greatest thing ever :D
I've also been wanting to beautify the blog because it is so plain right now.  I mean it looks decent but boring nothing original or eye catching... maybe I'll work on a skin tonight.  Oh and one more thing that has been overdue and very necessary is photos of Kira and I.  Kira and I are very close yet we never take pictures together.  Kira is a bit of a camera dodger and we always just hang out and never have an occasion to use the camera so look forward to seeing our faces!

Although my resolutions lack excitement, I really hope to complete all of them.  Look forward to my post next new years eve where I tell you the results!
Hopefully I remember I that I said I would write a post haha.


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