Saturday, December 31, 2011

Letter to Nintendo!


KIRA IS ALIVE! AND WRITING! SOOOOOO if for some reason you were skipping through Sunny's wonderful posts and waiting for mine? Then here it is! I have just submitted a letter to Nintendo! That's right! And about what?!? POKEMON!!! Damn right! This girl still plays Pokemon, and will do so until her dying breath! so fuck off! But I thought I would share the letter with you, and see how thoughtful Kira is when writing to a Company that has been irking her for a long time! 

Now for a reminder guys! I DO love Nintendo. It is my all time favorite! And if I could I would work there. Some how, some way! Whether it be feeding their workers and CEO as a chef, or programming the games myself! Hell I'd even be the janitor (if it paid well and I could make a living off of it!) But, I can't speak Japanese (I'm learning!) nor am I computer savvy for the programming. Ah well. Maybe someday, and opportunity will show up! Okay, enough with the chitchat!!! Here's the letter!

Hello Nintendo,

My name is (Corrected for you guys) Kira, and I will say right here and now that I have been a Nintendo fan since I was the age of 8. Now hitting 20 in 2012, that means I have been devotedly buying your games and systems to the best I could within my buying power for a good 12 years. But there is one thing that has been bothering me now that I am older and can read through a lot of things. 
Millions of people love this game, and according to the latest installment of Pokemon Black and White, the number has hit 10's of millions. But why is it so hard to "catch 'em all"? I don't want to point fingers, but I must know if anything. There are a good 10 at least that you can't catch anymore except for events (which I might add.. America seems to be lacking of) or through other games. Now if your goal was to make more money (through buying other games) it makes sense (though making them unlock able only once is mean like the Pokemon ranger games, and don't even start with the problem of the bonus CD on Colosseum!)But why the events? And why do the events end? What if a person couldn't afford a game way later till the events were done? Then what? And what about the older games? What if you were a child when Pokemon Ruby and Emerald and Crystal and who knows all these older games, and didn't even KNOW you could go to events to unlock them? Internet wasn't that big when I was a child you see. But now that I AM older and DO know about it, I am forever grinding my teeth when I pop in a Pokemon game and realize that I CAN'T get certain Pokemon unless I create a time machine. Why is it that the only way to attain them now is through a hack machine that can ruin the game for good? But for the older games, even the hack machine won't work! See the hack machine died out with the game system, and if you were naive and "good" for hacks, than you're doomed!
You see, it is a very frustrating dilemma. I love Pokemon. I'm 20, in college, and I still love Pokemon. It was a part of my child hood and I'll always cherish it, but why must it be that with each game, one must be constantly reminded that their Pokedex is increasingly emptier. And furthermore! With each new empty spot, the older blank areas seem to get darker and darker, and you just want to swear to never buy another Pokemon game again. But that would be the ruination of my child hood! And millions of others I'm sure!  
If anything, please make it easier to get these legendaries to complete the Pokedex. I know it kills the term "legendary" but it's a game, not real life. And it would also be extremely lovely if there was a way to just.. re obtain all of the older Pokemon legednaries from before games too. At least before all these die out too. I would love to complete my Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Leafgreen, and FireRed as well too. Yes, I have ALL of them! (Including Red, Blue, Yellow, Crystal, Silver, Gold (those died out), Diamond, Pearl, Heartgold, SoulSilver, White, and Black! Only missing Platinum.... never bothered though cause I didn't really like the Diamond and Pearl Series. Sorry...) I have supported you as company for so long, and I will still devotedly follow. But please, some how, some way, through the makings that only Nintendo can do, let me (and a few millions of others) be able to complete my (their) Pokedex. And especially from way back when. Let it be a Wonder machine or something else. Anything. And then, us already devoted fans will have something much more powerful than just pure fanatic-ism. Appreciation. We'll be forever grateful and that memory will burn within us stronger than any love can. We'll always spread what a wonderful Company Nintendo is Mind Soul and Heart. Not only do they produce the best durable and ingenious systems and the most memorable addicting awesome games, but they will also be the most caring, understanding, least teeth grind worthy to their fans. That will always create more fans, and in the long run, you will make a hell lot of more money!!
If it is impossible, at least make the newer games easier to complete completely. It might be hard to catch another good 800+ Pokemon, but if we can ACTUALLY catch all 800+, then I for one will be grateful that for the first time in my life, I have COMPLETED a POKEMON game! and CAUGHT 'EM ALL~!!!!
Thank you, and I have no idea if this letter will even be read or make a difference, but I will never know if I don't try. Thank you once again for making the great games you do, and I hope you really do consider this long thought out concern of mine. Thank you once again, and I hope you guys all had a wonderful Christmas a bright New Year! Thank you!

Oh shit! I forgot to type "Sincerely Kira". Ah well. See I was extremely civil, minimally offensive and even wished them a wonderful New Year! I DON'T want the company to fail after all! Whether they'll read my damn long letter, is very slim. Whether it will make a difference? Even slimmer! And YES DAMN IT! ITS LONGGGGGGG. I wanted to put my thoughts down and I am still inefficient with using as little words as possible! SCREW YOU! I'm still learning! 

Sorry for the meanness of this post, but I WANT TO CATCH THEM ALL DAMN IT! I WANTTT TOOOOO!!! -sob sob sob sob-

Thanks for reading, and please, if possible, just send Nintendo a whole mess of similar letters too! (nice ones! no one will do stuff well if cornered, and will do it unwillingly on top of that!) Forever grinding teeth because Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxyxx, etc, will never be in her reach in any humane mortal way...



  1. When you start play nintendo games are found to require a degree of physical participation from you. This is becauseThe motion sensor technology built into the controller.

  2. Thank you for the comment, but I was talking about the original Pokemon games, which none has, as of yet, been released for the Wii. I'm assuming you're talking about the Wii since you are talking about motion sensor and controller. :D
