Friday, July 27, 2012

Wii U's Price and Release Date Announcement

Nintendo's Wii U has been fully revealed and explored during this years E3. In fact, it was the main course in their presentation! But no date of release or price was revealed at E3 with only an ambiguous "We'll announce it later on during 2012" kind of a statement. Well finally I have date for when they are going to tell us the release date and price! Let's hear for it:

September 2012

Yes, so around my 20th birthday is when we'll get to hear about the Wii U's release date and its price. Many fans and critics are speculating that the console will probably be released for the winter holidays since Nintendo is known for releasing things during that particular time. Let's all wait with bated breath and cross our fingers for the best. 

We'll see how popular the Wii U will become and how much the price cut for the PS3 and XBox 360 during the Winter Holidays will affect its sales. Me being a Nintendo fan more than the others can't help but say "Fighting!" Or in Korean:

